25 June 2010

Tonight, is the last night.

I will miss the push to paddle my feet faster. I will miss the loud commands to swim long sets. I will miss the other swimmers I always tried my hardest to beat. I will miss pushing to the limits to shave seconds from my best time. I will miss the serotonin. I will miss my coach.

Tonight, is the last night. The last practice. The last time I will put on a swim cap and goggles willingly; the last time I will sit in the whirlpool after the set to hear schoolgirl gossip and the latest on the Pittsburgh Penguins. It will be the end of something I've grown to love and look forward to; but at the same time it will be the beginning of free evenings and real summer.

But I will miss it a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Heyyyyy sooooo, I'm totally creeping you big time right now, but I misss it tooo! hahah good ol' pittsburgh penguin news and gossip !
